Target: families; children from 4 years old; Music, Portuguese Language, Visual Education, Kindergarten teachers.
Eye-beings, flying cars, animals of all shapes – twenty-centimeter cocks, sporting parrots, attentive jellyfish, many specimens of the animal-person…!
From the book and the music born the self-titled live performance specially for children and families. The firsts editions of this show celebrated the releasing of the book, between November and December 2017: at the theater of Municipal Library of Santa Maria da Feira and the Library of University of Aveiro. The show premieres at the national congress of APEM in Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, in Lisbon.
Since then Paluí, the show, has been performed across the country in several theaters and stages, as well as international conferences such as Hands On Piano, Post’IP (University of Aveiro) and 33th World ISME Conference (Baku, Azerbaijan).